Articles in refereed journals
The behavioral, economic, and political impact of the Internet and social media: Empirical challenges and approaches. Journal of Economic Surveys, 2024, 1–37.
Extended version covering more than 60 studies: IZA Discussion Paper 16703.
Non-technical summary: LSE Business Review.Can relief measures nudge compliance in a public health crisis? Evidence from a kinked fiscal policy rule (with C. Deiana, A. Geraci, and G. Mazzarella). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2022, 202: 407-428.
Non-technical summary: La Voce, IZA Newsroom, IZA World of Labor.Experts vs. policymakers in the COVID-19 policy response (with A. Antoci, P. L. Sacco, and M. Sodini). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2022, 201: 22-39.
Broadband Internet and social capital (with A. Geraci, M. Nardotto, and T. Reggiani). Journal of Public Economics, 2022, 206, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2021.104578
Non-technical summary: VoxEU, La Voce, IZA Newsroom, LSE Business Review.
Media coverage: The Guardian, La Vanguardia, GQ Italia, Gli Stati Generali, myScience,, Cardiff University.Perceived risk and vaccine hesitancy: quasi-experimental evidence from Italy (with C. Deiana, A. Geraci, and G. Mazzarella). Health Economics, 2022, 31(6): 1266-1275.
Non-technical summary: VoxEU, La Voce.The political cost of sanctions: Evidence from COVID-19 (with A. Fazio and T. Reggiani). Health Policy, 2022, 126(9): 872-878.
Media negativity bias and tax compliance: Experimental evidence (with M. Fišar, T. Reggiani, and J. Špalek). International Tax and Public Finance, 2022, 29: 1160-1212.
Non-technical summary: LSE Business Review.Social capital, human capital and fertility (with R. Coppier and M. Sodini). Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2021, 25(3): 632-650.
Does social capital explain the Solow residual? A DSGE approach (with A. Argentiero and R. Cerqueti). Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2021, 58: 35-53.
Fairness and the unselfish demand for redistribution by taxpayers and welfare recipients (with M. Ventura, E. Yamamura, and L. Zamparelli). Southern Economic Journal, 2020, 86(3): 971-988.
Repeated shocks and preferences for redistribution (with G. Gualtieri and M. Nicolini). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2019, 167: 53-71.
Non-technical summary: LSE Business Review, IZA Newsroom.Civility and trust in social media (with A. Antoci, L. Bonelli, F. Paglieri, and T. Reggiani). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2019, 160: 83-99.
Non-technical summary: IZA Newsroom, LSE Business Review.
Media coverage: La Repubblica,, capital and support for the welfare state (with R. Cerqueti and M. Ventura). Social Choice and Welfare, 2019, 53(2): 313-336.
Non-technical summary: La Voce.Online social networks and trust (with F. Sarracino). Social Indicators Research, 2019, 142(1): 229–260.
Online Networks, Social Interaction and Segregation: An Evolutionary Approach (with A. Antoci). Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2018, 28(4): 859-883.
Online networks and subjective well-being (with F. Sarracino). Kyklos, 2017, 70(3): 456-480.
Media coverage (selection): The MIT Technology Review, The Telegraph, Business Standard, La Repubblica, Il Sole 24 Ore, Wired , El Pais, El Pais Uruguay, The Financial Express, India Today, China Daily, The Register, Vita, Engadget.Civility vs. Incivility in Online Social Interactions: An Evolutionary Approach (with A. Antoci, F. Paglieri, and F. Panebianco). PLoS ONE, 2017, 11(11): e0164286.
Social cooperatives, social welfare associations and social networks (with G. Degli Antoni). Review of Social Economy, 2016, 9, 1-19.
Review of "Immigrant Networks and Social Capital". By Carl L. Bankston III. Cambridge and Malden, MA.: Polity Press, 2014. Journal of Economic Literature, 2015, 53 (2), 371-374.
Trust and Prosocial Behaviour in a Process of State Capacity Building: the Case of the Palestinian Territories (with L. Andriani). Journal of Institutional Economics, 2015, 11 (4), 823-846.
Online and offline social participation and social poverty traps (with A. Antoci and M. Sodini). Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 2015, 39 (4), 229-256.
The impact of the media on voters' attitude toward Junichiro Koizumi and his policy (with E. Yamamura). Japan and the World Economy, 2015, 34-35, 24-32.
Structural social capital and health in Italy (with D. Fiorillo). Economics & Human Biology, 2015, 17, 129-142.
Do cooperative enterprises create social trust? (with F. Modena). Small Business Economics, 2014, 42 (3), 621-641.
Economic insecurity and fertility intentions: The Case of Italy (with F. Modena and C. Rondinelli). Review of Income and Wealth, 2014, 60 (1), 233-255.
The relationship between happiness and health: evidence from Italy. Social Science and Medicine 114, 178-187.
Bowling alone but tweeting together: the evolution of human interaction in the social networking era (with A. Antoci and M. Sodini). Quality & Quantity, 2013, 48 (4), 1912-1927.
Economic growth, technological progress and social capital: the inverted U hypothesis (with A. Antoci and M. Sodini). Metroeconomica, 2013, 64 (3), 401-431.
The Solaria Syndrome: Social capital in a hypertechnological growing economy (with A. Antoci and M. Sodini). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2012, 81 (3), 802-814.
Media coverage: The Daily Beast.Who Trusts Berlusconi? An Econometric Analysis of the Role of Television in the Political Arena. Kyklos, 2012, 65: 111–131.
Media coverage: The Guardian, Economic Logic.I Would if I Could: Precarious Employment and Childbearing Intentions in Italy (with F. Modena). Review of Economics of the Household, 2012, 10 (1), 77-97.
Media coverage: Il Sole 24 Ore.See You on Facebook! A framework for analyzing the role of computer-mediated interaction in the evolution of social capital (with A. Antoci and M. Sodini). Journal of Socio-Economics, 2012, 41, 541–547.
Quality and quantity: the role of social interactions in individual health (with D. Fiorillo). Social Science and Medicine, 2011, 73, 1644-1652.
An Exploratory Analysis of the Relationship Between Social Interactions, Income and Health in Italy (with D. Fiorillo). Economics Bulletin, 2011, 31 (2), 1336-1352.
Social Capital as Social Networks: a New Framework for Measurement and an empirical analysis of its determinants and consequences. Journal of Socio-Economics, 2009, 38 (3), 429-442.
Media coverage: Il Venerdì di Repubblica, Vita.The relationship between trust and networks. An exploratory empirical analysis. Economics Bulletin, 2009, 29 (2), 674-685.
Social Capital and the Quality of Economic Development. Kyklos, 2008, 61 (3), 466-499.
Does Social Capital Improve Labour Productivity in Small and Medium Enterprises?. International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 2008, 9, (5), 454-480.
Articles in Italian refereed journals
Il capitale sociale nelle regioni italiane: un’analisi comparata. Rivista di Politica Economica, 2009, 99 (2), 167-220.
Un atlante del capitale sociale italiano. QA, Rivista dell'Associazione Rossi Doria, 2007, 1, 41-73.
Il concetto di capitale sociale nelle scienze sociali. Una rassegna della letteratura economica, sociologica e politologica. Studi e Note di Economia, 2004, 2, 73-105.
Homo Oeconomicus? Dinamiche imprenditoriali in laboratorio (ed. with G. Garofalo). Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009.
Campagne in sviluppo. Capitale sociale e comunità rurali in Europa (with C. Cecchi and S. Grando). Torino, Rosenberg & Sellier, 2009.
Il capitale sociale per la pianificazione e gestione dei servizi pubblici locali (with C. Cecchi). Roma, Officina Edizioni, 2007.
Book Chapters
Il capitale sociale in Provincia di Trento. Comparazione con le regioni italiane mediante analisi in componenti principali. In Borzaga, C. (Ed). Relazioni di qualità: il capitale sociale in Provincia di Trento. Trento: Edizioni 31, 2011.
The Labour Market. In Svendsen, G.T. and G.L.H. Svendsen (eds). Handbook of Social Capital. The Troika of Sociology, Political Science and Economics. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, 2009.
Is Social Capital a Policy Tool Against Poverty and Inequality? A Discussion of Development Strategies in Rural India (with C. Cecchi and L. Molinas). In Basile, E. and I. Mukhopadhyay (eds). Institutional Perspectives on Rural India. London, New York, Delhi, Anthem Press, 2008.
Capitale sociale, imprese sociali, spesa pubblica. In Pelligra, V. (ed). Imprese sociali. Scelte individuali e interessi comuni. Milano, Paravia Bruno Mondadori, 2008.
Capitale sociale, fiducia e crescita economica. In Garofalo, G, F. Sabatini (eds). Homo Oeconomicus? Dinamiche imprenditoriali in laboratorio. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008.
Misurare il capitale sociale. In Garofalo, G, F. Sabatini (eds). Homo Oeconomicus? Dinamiche imprenditoriali in laboratorio. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008.
Guida pratica alla misurazione del capitale sociale. In Garofalo, G, F. Sabatini (eds). Homo Oeconomicus? Dinamiche imprenditoriali in laboratorio. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008.
Capitale sociale e fiducia: un'analisi econometrica. In Garofalo, G, F. Sabatini (eds). Homo Oeconomicus? Dinamiche imprenditoriali in laboratorio. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008.
The Empirics of Social Capital and Economic Development: a Critical Perspective. In Osborne, M., Sankey, K. e Wilson, B. (eds). Social Capital, Lifelong Learning Regions and the Management of Place: an international perspective. London and New York, Routledge, 2007.
Cooperative sociali, motivazioni intrinseche e creazione di network (with G. Degli Antoni). 2013, Impresa Sociale 1 2013.
Editorial (with C. Borzaga and G. Ferri). Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity, 2012, 1 (1), 1-6.
Capitale sociale. Entry in the Garzanti Encyclopedia of Economics. Milano, Garzanti, 2011.
Capitale sociale, imprese sociali, spesa pubblica e sviluppo in Italia. Impresa sociale, 2007, 2 (76), 192-234.
Resources for the Study of Social Capital. Journal of Economic Education, 2005, 36 (2), 198.
Uganda: l'allievo modello della Banca Mondiale? Le nuove contraddizioni della cooperazione allo sviluppo. Disuguaglianze, Trimestrale per l'analisi dei processi di sviluppo e sottosviluppo, 2005, 5 (5), 122-134.
SChe cosa è il capitale sociale. Disuguaglianze, Trimestrale per l'analisi dei processi di sviluppo e sottosviluppo, 2004, 3 (4), 41-55.
Review Essay of Ben Fine, "Social Capital versus Social Theory: Political Economy and Social Science at the Turn of the Millenium". Economic Notes, 2003, 32 (3), 403-408.